Aikido in Cambodia

Self Defense ' Martial Arts from Japan 

What is Aikido

The name Aikido is composed of three Japanese words: ai, meaning harmony; ki, spirit or energy; and do, the path, system or way. Aikido is the way of the spirit of harmony. Martial arts are studied for self-defense and self-improvement but Aikido is different from other martial arts in that practitioners seek to defend themselves without causing injury to their attackers.

Honored Traditions and High Ideals

The basic movements of Aikido are circular in nature; most attacks are linear. The Aikidoist harmonizes with, rather than confronts, an aggressive line and converts it into a circular motion that renders attackers helpless. Instead of using potentially crippling locks or punches, the Aikidoist trains to apply various wristlocks, arm pins, or unbalancing throws to neutralize aggressors without serious injury. Aikido is not a sport. There are no competitive tournaments. Aikidoists train to better themselves without belittling others, and as Aikido seeks not to cause harm, techniques can be practiced eventually at full power without fear of injury. Aikido is the newest of the traditional Japanese martial arts, holds the most modern outlook, and is proud of its high ideals. 

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